Total: 35 Posts
OFS Doser - A DoS (Denial of Service) Attack Tool For Android
OFS Doser is an android app that can crash servers! But not all servers, it can only crash a PHP or Java server that has the HashDoS vulnerability. The flaw "HashDoS" was in almost every web programming language, including ASP.NET, Ruby, Apache Tomcat, Java, P…Hackode - Android App For Hackers
Updated on 28-April-2017 Hackode is an android app developed by Ravi Kumar for penetration testers, ethical hackers, IT administrators, and cyber security professionals. You can use this app to gather information about a target and to find vulnerable sites…How To Spy On A Cell Phone And See Someones Text Messages! BEST PHONE
How To Spy On A Cell Phone And See Someones... oleh jenniferlukewx Find out Everything, Where is Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Business Partner, Lover, Child. What are THEY Talking About, Find Their GPS Coordinates, Listen to Cell Phone Calls Undetected AND Much Mo…Dexter - Online Tool For Analysing Android Applications
Dexter is an online android application analysis framework that is capable of APK dissection and analysis, extracting information about Activities, BroadcastReceivers, and Permissions, Decompilation, and more. Dexter's features also include: Manifest view …Hash Droid - A Tool To Calculate and Compare Hashes
Hash Droid is an android app that can calculate a hash from a text or from a file stored on your device. This free utility also allows you to compare the hashes. It supports the following hash functions: Adler-32 CRC-32 Haval-128 MD2 MD4 MD5 RIPEM…WiFi Passwords Share - Android App For Free-WiFi Junkies
WiFi Passwords Share is a simple android app that allows you to share WiFi credentials with the users and use all the free WiFi. When you enter the password of a protected WiFi network in the app, it will automatically save the credentials in the central database and sh…WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
WIBR+ is an android app that is capable of cracking WiFi passwords. It was designed to test the security of the WPA/WPA2 PSK WiFi networks, but now it is widely being used to crack weak WiFi passwords.It supports two types of attacks -- Dictionary Attacks, and Brut…Rocket VPN - Tool For Internet Freedom (Android, iOS)
If you like to browse the web without being monitored, then Rocket VPN is for you. Rocket VPN is an amazing app that allows you to encrypt mobile data, unblock geographically restricted content, and surf the internet anonymously.Even if you are on a unprotected WiF…Hexlock - A Must Have Android App
Do you want to protect your personal files? If yes, then you should start using the Hexlock app. Because it is one of the best app locker in the world, and its features are incredible. Speaking of features, let's take a look at Hexlock's features.Features:Automatic App …Android Privacy Guard - OpenPGP For Android
Android Privacy Guard (APG) is an open source encryption tool for android. This tool allows the users to encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify messages and files.HOW TO USE ANDROID PRIVACY GUARDFirst you have to download and install APG on your android device (li…3 Best Free Steganographic Tools For Android
Today you are going to see the best free steganographic apps for android.If you don't know anything about Steganography, please read the first half of "How To Hide Any File Inside Any Image File You Want On Android".Let's dive into the list....The first one on my list i…8 Best Free File Encryption Tools For Android
You probably know that the encryption is one of the best ways to protect your files. But do you encrypt your files on your android device? If not, you should, because it's your responsibility to protect your privacy.So I have created a list of best free file encryption …Top 7 Best Free Firewall Apps For Android
Today you are going to see best free firewall apps for android.But before diving into the list, let's talk about the Firewall. What do you know about it?You probably know that the Firewall is a controllable barrier between your network and untrusted networks. But did yo…4 Best App Lock Apps For Android
If you like to see the best app lock android apps in one place, then you'll love this article.So let's dive right into the list...The first one in my list is,AppLockThis is the most downloaded app lock app in the Google Play Store. AppLock has so many useful features su…Top 4 Best File Recovery Apps For Android
Today you are going to see top 4 file recovery apps for android.Have you ever tried an android recovery app? If the answer is yes, you probably know that most of the recovery apps on the Google Play are fake and crappy. I have tried a lot of recovery apps for this artic…18 Online Android App Analyzers
Today I'm going to show you a list of online android app analyzers.You may ask "What is the use of these online tools in security or hacking ?"The answer is simple, with these tools you can scan an android app and find out whether it is a malicious one or not. These onl…How To Remove License Verification Of Android Apps
A quick guide on how to remove license verification of android apps:Honestly, I don't use this hack because I like to support the developers. The people who make useful apps deserves a "thank you" in the form of money. So if you have money, please buy apps...Y…How To Hide Files Inside Any Image File On Android
Yes, you can hide any file inside any image file by using your android device. Some of you may already know that this method is called as "Steganography". If not, take a look at the Introduction to Steganography, otherwise skip it.INTRODUCTION TO STEGANOGRAPHYSteganogra…4 Best Secure Messaging Apps For Android and iPhone
If you want to communicate securely using your android, iPhone, or any other iOS devices, you should read this article. Because today I'm going to show you 4 best secure messaging apps for iPhone and Android.The first one on my list is...ChatSecure + OrbotChatSecur…How To Recover Files On Android
If you are searching for a way to recover lost files on android, you can stop now because you are at the right place! Before learning the ways to recover files, you must understand the fact that the data recovery is not a reliable option. If you can backup you…4 Best Ways To Hack Android Games
More lives, points... you can get whatever you want in a game without any effort. Yes, I'm talking about the game hacking.There are a lot of ways to hack android games, today I'm going to show you the best techniques that you can use to get more lives, points, or w…WiFinspect - An Android Tool For WiFi Network Monitoring and Auditing
WiFinspect is an android app for computer security researchers and network administrators. It has a lot functions such as UPnP Device Scanner, Network Sniffer, Pcap Analyzer, Access Point Scanner, Internal Vulnerability Scanner, External Vulnerability Scanner,…Top 17 Antiviruses For Android
Today you are going to see the top 17 Antiviruses for android.Two weeks ago one of my readers asked me via Facebook "What is the best antivirus for android, and please tell me the antivirus app you are using." I didn't send a reply to him because that question crea…3 Best Free Android Apps For People Search (a.k.a Social Search)
You are here to see best android apps for people search... So let's not keep you waiting....The first one on my list is...Find People SearchFind People Search is a well-designed app. Unfortunately, the search is limited to the United States only. You can use a name or a…Photo Exif Editor - An Android Forensic Tool
Photo Exif Editor is a forensic tool that can be used to edit, view and remove exif data of your image files. Now you may ask "what the hell is the exif data?".Let me tell you what it is...Exif data is comprised of a range of settings such as captured time, geoloca…Cryptonite - A Local & Cloud Data Encryption Tool
Cryptonite is a data encryption app that you can use to protect your files on your android device. You can use it on a rooted device or a non-rooted device, yes it works in both conditions. But if you own a rooted android device that supports FUSE Kernel, you can also u…Hash Decrypt - An Android Tool To Crack Hashes
Hash Decrypt is an android app that enables you to crack/decrypt a hash. This app uses the dictionary attack to crack a hash. You may know about the dictionary attack, if not, refer this Wikipedia article: supp…CrypticSMS - An Android Tool To Encrypt/Decrypt SMS
Yes, you read that right.. CrypticSMS is an android app that can encrypt/decrypt SMS. The app is not very difficult to use, the simple user interface allows anyone with a basic knowledge of encryption to use the app.It supports the following ciphers:AES Cipher - http://…Router Brute Force - Android app For Hackers
Router Brute Force is an android app that can help you to crack router passwords. This app uses a method called "Dictionary Attack" to crack passwords. User interface-wise it is absolutely easy to use and more understandable than any other password cracking tool.Now I'm…WIBR (WiFi BruteForce) - Android App For Hackers
WIBR is an android app that you can use to break into a password protected (weak) WiFi network. It is actually a brute forcer that allows you to perform a dictionary attack on the target. If you don't know what is a dictionary attack, read this Wikipedia article: Dictio…How to Spy on Text Messages
It seems that in recent years most of society, especially the younger generations, have turned to texting as their preferred mode of conversation. The infinite ability to communicate with other people around the world effortlessly has become a growing concern for parent…Android Browser Kitkat Content Spoofing Vulnerability
The following is a low risk vulnerability that was found few months ago while testing the latest Android Stock browser on Android Kitkat. The issue that was found is commonly referred as Content spoofing Vulnerability or dialog box spoofing vulnerability which cou…A Tale Of Another SOP Bypass In Android Browser < 4.4
Since, my recent android SOP bypass [CVE-2014-6041] triggered a lot of eruption among the infosec community, I was motivated to research a bit more upon the android browser, it turns out that things are much worse than I thought, I managed to trigger quite a few in…Android Browser Same Origin Policy Bypass < 4.4 - CVE-2014-6041
IntroductionSame Origin Policy (SOP) is one of the most important security mechanisms that are applied in modern browsers, the basic idea behind the SOP is the javaScript from one origin should not be able to access the properties of a website on another origin. The ori…Android Browser + Messaging App DOS
While being impressed by Collin Mulliner's research on smart phones, I found myself very curious trying to find vulnerabilities inside it and i found several ones out. In this short blog post I would be discussing about DOS vulnerabilities inside the default b…
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Friday, October 30, 2020