

  1. Android Privacy Guard - OpenPGP For Android
  2. Dexter - Online Tool For Analysing Android Applications
  3. Hackode - Android App For Hackers - New!
  4. Hash Droid - A Tool To Calculate and Compare Hashes
  5. Hexlock - A Must Have Android App
  6. How To Spy On A Cell Phone And See Someones Text Messages! BEST PHONE
  7. OFS Doser - A DoS (Denial of Service) Attack Tool For Android - New!
  8. Rocket VPN - Tool For Internet Freedom (Android, iOS)
  9. WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
  10. WiFi Passwords Share - Android App For Free-WiFi Junkies


  1. How To Hack HTTP Passwords With Wireshark 2018
  2. "Ethical Hacking from Scratch to Advanced Technique" - Best Udemy Hacking Course
  3. 101 Cool Windows Shortcut you must know!
  4. 11 Best Registry Hacks For Windows 7
  5. 14 Best Songs (Poems) About Hacking
  6. 23 Malware Sample Sources For Researchers and Reviewers
  7. A Short HACKER SPEAK Glossary
  8. ADHD - An Ubuntu Based Security Distribution
  9. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  10. ASLR Process Scanner - Tool For Identifying ASLR Enabled Processes
  11. Advanced Windows Service Manager - Tool For Analyzing Windows Services
  12. Algorithm - The Hacker Movie
  13. All Problems And Solutions Related To SQL injection
  14. Android Privacy Guard - OpenPGP For Android
  15. AnonTwi - Tool To Have More Privacy On Social Media
  16. Another Java Zero-Day Vulnerability Spotted In The Wild
  17. Around The Hacks In 90 seconds #1
  18. Automater - Tool For Analyzing URLs/Domains, IP Addresses, and Md5 Hashes
  19. BSNL Password Decryptor - Tool For Recovering BSNL Modem/Router Password
  20. BackBox - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution
  21. Basic Batch File Programming free
  22. Basic Networking
  23. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  24. Bitcoin (BTC) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics
  25. Bitcoins hacking trick earn unlimitd bitcoins for free
  26. Blind SQL Injection - Detection And Exploitation
  27. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  28. Browser Password Decryptor - Tool For Recovering Website Login Details Stored By Popular Web Browsers
  29. Browser Password Dump - Command-line Tool For Recovering Website Login Details
  30. Browser Password Remover - Tool For Removing All Login Details From Popular Browsers
  31. Check Your Password Strength Here
  32. Chrome Password Decryptor - Free Tool To Recover Stored Passwords From Google Chrome
  33. Chrome Password Remover - Tool To Quickly Remove Stored Login Info From Google Chrome
  34. Cisco Password Decryptor - Free Tool For Recovering Cisco Type 7 Router Password
  35. Comodo Password Decryptor - Tool For Recovering Stored Login Details From Comodo Dragon Browser
  36. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  37. CoolNovo Password Decryptor - Tool For Recovering Stored Login Details From CoolNovo Browser
  38. DEFCON: World's Largest Hacking Conference (Documentary Film)
  39. DEFT - Computer Forensic Live System
  40. DNSChef - An Advanced DNS Proxy - New!
  41. DNSwalk - A DNS Database Debugger
  42. Dexter - Online Tool For Analysing Android Applications
  43. DotDotPwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzer
  44. Download Hacking for Beginners - The Essentials: How to Hack the Right Way!
  45. FTP Password Kracker - A Free Tool For Cracking FTP Passwords
  46. Full Guide of PHP Operators
  47. GNUnet - A Secure Peer-to-Peer Networking Framework
  48. HTTPS Cracked! SSL/TLS Attacked And Exploited
  49. Hack Your Friend To Get His Browser Info And Ip address
  50. Hacker The Dude v1.1
  51. Hackers Wanted (Documentary Film)
  52. Hacking RAM To Give Your Computer a Boost - New!
  53. Hacking Windows Servers - Privilege Escalation
  54. Hacking iPhone
  55. Hacking | A Simple TCP Spoofing Attack
  56. Hackode - Android App For Hackers - New!
  57. Hash Droid - A Tool To Calculate and Compare Hashes
  58. Hashcat - An Advanced Password Cracking Tool - New!
  59. Hexlock - A Must Have Android App
  60. HoneyDrive - A Honeypot Linux Distribution
  61. How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World (Documentary Film)
  62. How Hackers Make Botnets To Infect Systems
  63. How Hackers Make Botnets To Infect Systems [Part 2]
  64. How To Capture Passwords Across The Air
  65. How To Crack A WPA Key With Aircrack-ng 2018
  66. How To Create Your Own Phisher
  67. How To Dodge Android 4.1.2 Passcode Lock - Vulnerability Exploited And Explained
  68. How To Download as premium on all premium hosting - New!
  69. How To Make Dark Angel's Phunky Virus
  70. How To Spy On A Cell Phone And See Someones Text Messages! BEST PHONE
  71. How to Hack Someones ISP Password
  72. How to Hacking A Facebook Account With Quora - PWNQUEST
  73. How to Secure Your WhatsApp from Hacking?
  74. How to begining in the World of Hacking?
  75. How to make a fake virus in windows
  76. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  77. ISME - A Framework For Testing IP Phones
  78. Introduction To SQLmap And Firewall Bypassing 2018
  79. Is OneCoin A Scam? - Technical Analysis
  80. John the Ripper - A Password Cracker Tool - New!
  81. Joomscan - Tool For Detecting & Analyzing Joomla CMS Vulnerabilities
  82. Katana - A Portable Multi-Boot Security Distribution
  83. Knockpy - A Subdomain Scanner
  84. Logon Warning Hack Windows
  85. Make Your Computer Talk - Codes
  86. Memory Forensics, Analysis And Techniques Part 1
  87. NSA is Hacking Pakistan's Internet Infrastructure, Here's How?
  88. Netcat - The TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
  89. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  90. OFS Doser - A DoS (Denial of Service) Attack Tool For Android - New!
  91. OSForensics - Tool For Extracting Forensic Data From Computers
  92. OWASP SwitchBlade - An Open-Source Denial of Service Attack Tool - New!
  93. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  94. PenTBox - An Open Source Security Suite 2018
  95. Pentoo - Gentoo-Based Linux Distribution For Penetration Testers
  96. PwnPi - A Pen-testing Drop Box Distribution For Raspberry Pi
  97. PwnSTAR - A Bash Script For Creating a "Malicious" Software-Enabled Access Point
  98. Qualys BrowserCheck - An Online Security Scanner
  99. Read Mind Hacking: How to Change Your Mind for Good in 21 Days PDF Online Book
  100. Rocket VPN - Tool For Internet Freedom (Android, iOS)
  101. SI6 Networks' IPv6 Toolkit - A Security Assessment & Troubleshooting Tool For IPv6 Protocols
  102. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  103. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  104. SSLyze - Tool For Analysing SSL/TLS Configurations
  105. Samhain - Host Based Intrusion Detection System
  106. Script Check Network Connectivity With Power of PowerShell
  107. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  108. Send Email From Anyone To Anyone
  109. Shoryuken - An SQL Injection Tool
  110. Snort - OpenSource Network Intrusion Detection Tool
  111. Snuck - Tool For Automatic XSS Filter Bypass
  112. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  113. SoftPerfect WiFi Guard - Tool For Detecting & Alerting WiFi Network Intrusions
  114. Spooftooph - Automated Tool For Spoofing or Cloning Bluetooth Devices
  115. Subterfuge - An Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) Framework
  116. TCHead - TrueCrypt Password Cracking Tool
  117. TXDNS - An Aggressive Multithreaded DNS Digger/Brute-Forcer
  118. The Hacker's League
  119. The Haystack (Documentary Film)
  120. Tips How To Know Your browser Info
  121. Top 10 Internet tools #4
  122. Top 100 Security Tools
  123. Trick Hacking Locked Photos In Orkut
  124. Trick, Impress Your Friends With Invisible Folders
  125. User's Guide to Hacking | Newbie's
  126. VMInjector - Tool For Bypassing Windows/Ubuntu/MacOSX Login Authentication Screen
  127. Virtual Section Dumper - A Memory Dumping Tool
  128. Volatility - An Open Source Memory Forensics Framework
  129. WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
  130. Web-Sorrow - Tool For Detecting Misconfigurations and Collecting Server Information
  131. WebSploit Framework - Tool For Vulnerability Assessment & Exploitation
  132. Weekly Top 10 Internet Tools
  133. Weekly Top 10 Internet tools
  134. Weevely - Weaponized Web Shell - New!
  135. Wfuzz - Web Application Password Cracking Tool
  136. WhatWeb - An Advanced Website Fingerprinter Hacking Tool
  137. WiFi Passwords Share - Android App For Free-WiFi Junkies
  138. Wifislax - A Slackware-Based Penetration Testing Distribution
  139. Windows 7 GodMode Hack
  140. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  141. Xenotix - XSS Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation Framework
  142. Xortool - A Tool To Analyze Multi-byte XOR Cipher
  143. Xss Phishing
  144. evasi0n - Jailbreak Tool For iOS 6, 7 Devices
  145. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  146. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!
  147. µTorrent Hidden Hacking


  1. How To Hack HTTP Passwords With Wireshark 2018
  2. "Ethical Hacking from Scratch to Advanced Technique" - Best Udemy Hacking Course
  3. 11 Best Registry Hacks For Windows 7
  4. 14 Best Songs (Poems) About Hacking
  5. A Short HACKER SPEAK Glossary
  6. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  7. Around The Hacks In 90 seconds #1
  8. BackBox - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution
  9. Basic Batch File Programming free
  10. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  11. Bitcoins hacking trick earn unlimitd bitcoins for free
  12. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  13. Comodo Password Decryptor - Tool For Recovering Stored Login Details From Comodo Dragon Browser
  14. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  15. DotDotPwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzer
  16. Download Hacking for Beginners - The Essentials: How to Hack the Right Way!
  17. FTP Password Kracker - A Free Tool For Cracking FTP Passwords
  18. Hack Your Friend To Get His Browser Info And Ip address
  19. Hacking iPhone
  20. Hacking | A Simple TCP Spoofing Attack
  21. Hackode - Android App For Hackers - New!
  22. How To Create Your Own Phisher
  23. How To Download as premium on all premium hosting - New!
  24. How To Hack Any Email Account New
  25. How To Spy On A Cell Phone And See Someones Text Messages! BEST PHONE
  26. How to Hack Someones ISP Password
  27. How to Secure Your WhatsApp from Hacking?
  28. How to begining in the World of Hacking?
  29. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  30. Logon Warning Hack Windows
  31. Make Your Computer Talk - Codes
  32. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  33. OWASP SwitchBlade - An Open-Source Denial of Service Attack Tool - New!
  34. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  35. Pentoo - Gentoo-Based Linux Distribution For Penetration Testers
  36. PwnPi - A Pen-testing Drop Box Distribution For Raspberry Pi
  37. Read Mind Hacking: How to Change Your Mind for Good in 21 Days PDF Online Book
  38. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  39. Script Check Network Connectivity With Power of PowerShell
  40. Shoryuken - An SQL Injection Tool
  41. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  42. The Hacker's League
  43. Tips How To Know Your browser Info
  44. Top 100 Security Tools
  45. Trick Hacking Locked Photos In Orkut
  46. Trick, Impress Your Friends With Invisible Folders
  47. User's Guide to Hacking | Newbie's
  48. WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
  49. Weevely - Weaponized Web Shell - New!
  50. Wifislax - A Slackware-Based Penetration Testing Distribution
  51. Windows 7 GodMode Hack
  52. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  53. Xortool - A Tool To Analyze Multi-byte XOR Cipher
  54. Xss Phishing
  55. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!
  56. µTorrent Hidden Hacking

Hacking News

  1. Algorithm - The Hacker Movie
  2. DEFCON: World's Largest Hacking Conference (Documentary Film)
  3. Hackers Wanted (Documentary Film)
  4. How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World (Documentary Film)
  5. The Haystack (Documentary Film)

Hacking Tools

  1. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  2. BackBox - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution
  3. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  4. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  5. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  6. DotDotPwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzer
  7. FTP Password Kracker - A Free Tool For Cracking FTP Passwords
  8. Hacking iPhone
  9. Hackode - Android App For Hackers - New!
  10. Hash Droid - A Tool To Calculate and Compare Hashes
  11. How To Download as premium on all premium hosting - New!
  12. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  13. John the Ripper - A Password Cracker Tool - New!
  14. Katana - A Portable Multi-Boot Security Distribution
  15. Make Your Computer Talk - Codes
  16. Netcat - The TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
  17. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  18. OFS Doser - A DoS (Denial of Service) Attack Tool For Android - New!
  19. OWASP SwitchBlade - An Open-Source Denial of Service Attack Tool - New!
  20. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  21. Pentoo - Gentoo-Based Linux Distribution For Penetration Testers
  22. Power Packed Task Manger - Process Hacker
  23. PwnPi - A Pen-testing Drop Box Distribution For Raspberry Pi
  24. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  25. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  26. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  27. Shoryuken - An SQL Injection Tool
  28. Snuck - Tool For Automatic XSS Filter Bypass
  29. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  30. Spooftooph - Automated Tool For Spoofing or Cloning Bluetooth Devices
  31. Subterfuge - An Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) Framework
  32. TCHead - TrueCrypt Password Cracking Tool
  33. Top 10 Internet tools #4
  34. Top 100 Security Tools
  35. Trick, Impress Your Friends With Invisible Folders
  36. WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
  37. WebSploit Framework - Tool For Vulnerability Assessment & Exploitation
  38. Weekly Top 10 Internet Tools
  39. Weekly Top 10 Internet tools
  40. Weevely - Weaponized Web Shell - New!
  41. Wfuzz - Web Application Password Cracking Tool
  42. Wifislax - A Slackware-Based Penetration Testing Distribution
  43. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  44. Xortool - A Tool To Analyze Multi-byte XOR Cipher
  45. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  46. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!

Hacking Windows

  1. 11 Best Registry Hacks For Windows 7
  2. Hacking Windows Servers - Privilege Escalation


  1. ADHD - An Ubuntu Based Security Distribution
  2. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  3. AnonTwi - Tool To Have More Privacy On Social Media
  4. Automater - Tool For Analyzing URLs/Domains, IP Addresses, and Md5 Hashes
  5. BackBox - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution
  6. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  7. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  8. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  9. DEFT - Computer Forensic Live System
  10. DNSChef - An Advanced DNS Proxy - New!
  11. DNSwalk - A DNS Database Debugger
  12. GNUnet - A Secure Peer-to-Peer Networking Framework
  13. Hashcat - An Advanced Password Cracking Tool - New!
  14. HoneyDrive - A Honeypot Linux Distribution
  15. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  16. ISME - A Framework For Testing IP Phones
  17. Joomscan - Tool For Detecting & Analyzing Joomla CMS Vulnerabilities
  18. Katana - A Portable Multi-Boot Security Distribution
  19. Knockpy - A Subdomain Scanner
  20. Netcat - The TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
  21. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  22. PenTBox - An Open Source Security Suite 2018
  23. Pentoo - Gentoo-Based Linux Distribution For Penetration Testers
  24. PwnPi - A Pen-testing Drop Box Distribution For Raspberry Pi
  25. PwnSTAR - A Bash Script For Creating a "Malicious" Software-Enabled Access Point
  26. SI6 Networks' IPv6 Toolkit - A Security Assessment & Troubleshooting Tool For IPv6 Protocols
  27. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  28. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  29. Samhain - Host Based Intrusion Detection System
  30. Shoryuken - An SQL Injection Tool
  31. Snort - OpenSource Network Intrusion Detection Tool
  32. Snuck - Tool For Automatic XSS Filter Bypass
  33. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  34. Spooftooph - Automated Tool For Spoofing or Cloning Bluetooth Devices
  35. Subterfuge - An Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) Framework
  36. TCHead - TrueCrypt Password Cracking Tool
  37. User's Guide to Hacking | Newbie's
  38. VMInjector - Tool For Bypassing Windows/Ubuntu/MacOSX Login Authentication Screen
  39. Volatility - An Open Source Memory Forensics Framework
  40. Web-Sorrow - Tool For Detecting Misconfigurations and Collecting Server Information
  41. WebSploit Framework - Tool For Vulnerability Assessment & Exploitation
  42. Wfuzz - Web Application Password Cracking Tool
  43. WhatWeb - An Advanced Website Fingerprinter Hacking Tool
  44. Wifislax - A Slackware-Based Penetration Testing Distribution
  45. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  46. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  47. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!


  1. ADHD - An Ubuntu Based Security Distribution
  2. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  3. BackBox - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution
  4. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  5. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  6. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  7. DEFT - Computer Forensic Live System
  8. DNSChef - An Advanced DNS Proxy - New!
  9. DNSwalk - A DNS Database Debugger
  10. Hashcat - An Advanced Password Cracking Tool - New!
  11. HoneyDrive - A Honeypot Linux Distribution
  12. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  13. ISME - A Framework For Testing IP Phones
  14. John the Ripper - A Password Cracker Tool - New!
  15. Joomscan - Tool For Detecting & Analyzing Joomla CMS Vulnerabilities
  16. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  17. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  18. PenTBox - An Open Source Security Suite 2018
  19. Pentoo - Gentoo-Based Linux Distribution For Penetration Testers
  20. PwnSTAR - A Bash Script For Creating a "Malicious" Software-Enabled Access Point
  21. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  22. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  23. Snuck - Tool For Automatic XSS Filter Bypass
  24. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  25. Spooftooph - Automated Tool For Spoofing or Cloning Bluetooth Devices
  26. Subterfuge - An Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) Framework
  27. TCHead - TrueCrypt Password Cracking Tool
  28. WebSploit Framework - Tool For Vulnerability Assessment & Exploitation
  29. Wfuzz - Web Application Password Cracking Tool
  30. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  31. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  32. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!


  1. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  2. Hashcat - An Advanced Password Cracking Tool - New!
  3. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  4. ISME - A Framework For Testing IP Phones
  5. John the Ripper - A Password Cracker Tool - New!
  6. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  7. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  8. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  9. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  10. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  11. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  12. VMInjector - Tool For Bypassing Windows/Ubuntu/MacOSX Login Authentication Screen
  13. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  14. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  15. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!


  1. Automater - Tool For Analyzing URLs/Domains, IP Addresses, and Md5 Hashes
  2. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  3. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  4. Hashcat - An Advanced Password Cracking Tool - New!
  5. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  6. ISME - A Framework For Testing IP Phones
  7. John the Ripper - A Password Cracker Tool - New!
  8. Knockpy - A Subdomain Scanner
  9. SI6 Networks' IPv6 Toolkit - A Security Assessment & Troubleshooting Tool For IPv6 Protocols
  10. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  11. SSLsplit - Tool For Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Against SSL/TLS Encrypted Network Connections
  12. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  13. SoftPerfect WiFi Guard - Tool For Detecting & Alerting WiFi Network Intrusions
  14. VMInjector - Tool For Bypassing Windows/Ubuntu/MacOSX Login Authentication Screen
  15. Volatility - An Open Source Memory Forensics Framework
  16. Web-Sorrow - Tool For Detecting Misconfigurations and Collecting Server Information
  17. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  18. evasi0n - Jailbreak Tool For iOS 6, 7 Devices
  19. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool


  1. ADHD - An Ubuntu Based Security Distribution
  2. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  3. ASLR Process Scanner - Tool For Identifying ASLR Enabled Processes
  4. Advanced Windows Service Manager - Tool For Analyzing Windows Services
  5. Android Privacy Guard - OpenPGP For Android
  6. AnonTwi - Tool To Have More Privacy On Social Media
  7. Automater - Tool For Analyzing URLs/Domains, IP Addresses, and Md5 Hashes
  8. BeEF - Tool For Browser Exploitation
  9. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  10. DEFT - Computer Forensic Live System
  11. DNSChef - An Advanced DNS Proxy - New!
  12. DotDotPwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzer
  13. FTP Password Kracker - A Free Tool For Cracking FTP Passwords
  14. GNUnet - A Secure Peer-to-Peer Networking Framework
  15. Hackode - Android App For Hackers - New!
  16. Hashcat - An Advanced Password Cracking Tool - New!
  17. Hexlock - A Must Have Android App
  18. HoneyDrive - A Honeypot Linux Distribution
  19. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  20. Joomscan - Tool For Detecting & Analyzing Joomla CMS Vulnerabilities
  21. Katana - A Portable Multi-Boot Security Distribution
  22. Netcat - The TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
  23. NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool
  24. OSForensics - Tool For Extracting Forensic Data From Computers
  25. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  26. PenTBox - An Open Source Security Suite 2018
  27. Pentoo - Gentoo-Based Linux Distribution For Penetration Testers
  28. PwnPi - A Pen-testing Drop Box Distribution For Raspberry Pi
  29. Qualys BrowserCheck - An Online Security Scanner
  30. SI6 Networks' IPv6 Toolkit - A Security Assessment & Troubleshooting Tool For IPv6 Protocols
  31. SSLyze - Tool For Analysing SSL/TLS Configurations
  32. Samhain - Host Based Intrusion Detection System
  33. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  34. Snort - OpenSource Network Intrusion Detection Tool
  35. Social-Engineer Toolkit - A Must Have Tool For Penetration Testers
  36. SoftPerfect WiFi Guard - Tool For Detecting & Alerting WiFi Network Intrusions
  37. Subterfuge - An Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) Framework
  38. TCHead - TrueCrypt Password Cracking Tool
  39. TXDNS - An Aggressive Multithreaded DNS Digger/Brute-Forcer
  40. WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
  41. Web-Sorrow - Tool For Detecting Misconfigurations and Collecting Server Information
  42. WebSploit Framework - Tool For Vulnerability Assessment & Exploitation
  43. Weevely - Weaponized Web Shell - New!
  44. Wfuzz - Web Application Password Cracking Tool
  45. WhatWeb - An Advanced Website Fingerprinter Hacking Tool
  46. Wifislax - A Slackware-Based Penetration Testing Distribution
  47. Xenotix - XSS Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation Framework
  48. Xortool - A Tool To Analyze Multi-byte XOR Cipher
  49. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  50. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!


  1. ADHD - An Ubuntu Based Security Distribution
  2. ARPwner - ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
  3. AnonTwi - Tool To Have More Privacy On Social Media
  4. DNSChef - An Advanced DNS Proxy - New!
  5. DNSwalk - A DNS Database Debugger
  6. HoneyDrive - A Honeypot Linux Distribution
  7. Knockpy - A Subdomain Scanner
  8. PenTBox - An Open Source Security Suite 2018
  9. SI6 Networks' IPv6 Toolkit - A Security Assessment & Troubleshooting Tool For IPv6 Protocols
  10. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  11. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  12. VMInjector - Tool For Bypassing Windows/Ubuntu/MacOSX Login Authentication Screen
  13. Volatility - An Open Source Memory Forensics Framework
  14. Web-Sorrow - Tool For Detecting Misconfigurations and Collecting Server Information
  15. WhatWeb - An Advanced Website Fingerprinter Hacking Tool
  16. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  17. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool


  1. BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  2. Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions
  3. DNSChef - An Advanced DNS Proxy - New!
  4. FTP Password Kracker - A Free Tool For Cracking FTP Passwords
  5. Hydra - A Powerful Network Password Cracking Tool
  6. ISME - A Framework For Testing IP Phones
  7. John the Ripper - A Password Cracker Tool - New!
  8. OWASP SwitchBlade - An Open-Source Denial of Service Attack Tool - New!
  9. Patator - A Powerful Command-line Brute-forcer
  10. PenTBox - An Open Source Security Suite 2018
  11. SQLSentinel - A Cross-Platform SQLi Vulnerability Scanner
  12. Scythe Framework - An Account Enumeration Tool
  13. Snuck - Tool For Automatic XSS Filter Bypass
  14. TCHead - TrueCrypt Password Cracking Tool
  15. VMInjector - Tool For Bypassing Windows/Ubuntu/MacOSX Login Authentication Screen
  16. Wfuzz - Web Application Password Cracking Tool
  17. XSSF - Cross-Site Scripting Framework
  18. Xenotix - XSS Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation Framework
  19. jSQL Injection - A Cross-Platform SQL Injection Tool
  20. theHarvester - Tool For Gathering Target Information (E-mail accounts, subdomain names, open ports and etc.) - New!


  1. DEFT - Computer Forensic Live System
  2. evasi0n - Jailbreak Tool For iOS 6, 7 Devices
Sitemap Sitemap Reviewed by AC10 Tech on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Rating: 5
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