Net Wars - New Challenge For Hackers Video

Net Wars are a new talent hunt for hackers that are good in hacking field and if they win Darth_Vader-3d-2they are given a job of ethical hacking. or if they not they can even get a handful of contacts and goodies too.
Some days ago CNN covered the story of this challenge which is currently takinng place in U.S. These challenges are taken under by SANS : The most trusted source for computer security... Ya we all know the big SANS. if u dont know who are sans, its a organization of high end ethical hacking teachers and they provide some qualifications in US for ethical Hacking...

The United States Cyber Challenge

A nationall competition and talent search to find and develop 10,000 cyber security specialists to help the United States regain the lead in cyberspace [ 5/8/09 ].

The web pages for the US Cyber Challenge will be posted on May 29 at and at other sites. To learn more about the program prior to May 29, email

1.The Need
2.The Competition and Skills Programs
3.The Sponsorship...

Here is what they said about, why they need some hackers aka great security guys in there force and why now.
“The cyber threat to the United States affects all aspects of society, business, and government, but there is neither a broad cadre of cyber experts nor an established cyber career field to build upon, particularly within the Federal Government. [Using an] airplane analogy, we have a shortage of ‘pilots’ (and ‘ground crews’ to support them) for cyberspace.” (Center for Strategic and International Studies, Report of the Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency, December 2008)

“The provisioning of adequate cyber forces to execute our assigned missions remains our greatest need.” (Gen. Kevin P. Chilton, Commander, U.S. Strategic Command, March 17, 2009, in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee)

“I cannot get the technical security people I need.” (Gen. Charles Croome, Commander, Joint Task Force ‐ Global Network Operations, in response to a question from a CSIS Commissioner asking what is the most critical problem he faces in meeting the growing cyber challenge. May 28, 2008)
“There are about 1,000 security people in the US who have the specialized security skills to operate effectively in cyberspace. We need 10,000 to 30,000.” (Jim Gosler, Sandia Fellow, NSA Visiting Scientist, and the founding Director of the CIA’s Clandestine Information Technology Office, October 3, 2008.)
Net Wars - New Challenge For Hackers Video Net Wars - New Challenge For Hackers Video Reviewed by AC10 Tech on Saturday, December 26, 2009 Rating: 5

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