Ophcrack - A Windows Password Cracker


Ophcrack is an opensource program that can crack windows passwords. The program uses rainbow tables to crack passwords.

There are some things you should know before learning about the Ophcrack. They are,
  • What is a Password Hash?
An encrypted form of a password.
  • What is a Rainbow Table? 
A precomputed table for cracking password hashes.
    • What is LM hash (a.k.a LAN Manager hash)?
     It is a password hashing function used in Windows.

      Ophcrack can crack LM and NTLM hashes, it also has a Bruteforce module that you can use to crack simple passwords.

      Ophcrack Screenshot

      Most of the rainbow tables are available for free, but if you want more advanced set of tables, you can buy them from objectif-securite for $949.

      For automated retrieval, decryption, and cracking of passwords, you can use a Ophcrack LiveCD. If you don't have a CD/DVD , you can also use your USB drive for this.
      Ophcrack - A Windows Password Cracker Ophcrack - A Windows Password Cracker Reviewed by AC10 Tech on Sunday, July 10, 2016 Rating: 5

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